Tuesday, 14 May 2013


we're siblings!

#SIDC#muamalat#islamic capital market

I'll continue what is #islamiccapitalmarket..
Although this talk maybe was my intrested..
but its so hard to understand the meaning of the whole session..
ENGLISH pon mcm haram..kui3
suppost to be like that right? HAHA.

well done to the whole department who was successful this programe.
#buatlah lagi. hihi

Monday, 13 May 2013


need to change..yeah! 
other channels..
other story..

Maybe before this i'm just writing about nonsense story..
nothing were important..bla..bla..bla
but after this it's the time that to be "matured" cewaahhh! 

From the book that I have read, 
"just a stupid poeple were story only about themself"
sentap kau jah!


Peace! ^_^v